Monday 20 June 2011

Yes, It's Been a While

My life has changed so much over the last few months and I know I've been gone for so long but I can't really explain why. All I will say is that I'm going to stop blogging for awhile. It's nothing against anyone, I just don't think that it's a necessity anymore. John has moved out of town, but he will be back soon. But until then, I think that my posts would be very boring. Stay tuned everyone. I'm sure more will come in the near future.


Needless to say, that party probably wasn't the best idea. Long story short, some of Mark's football buddies got drunk and set his house on fire! Everyone was okay though, just a little shaken. John came to my rescue when I became trapped on the second floor. And I don't know how, but we landed outside after he grabbed me and jumped out a second story window. Something is very different about him...

Party At Mark James'

For those of you who don't know, I use to date a guy known as Mark James. Mark is a quarterback at my highschool and the stereotypical small town hero. I guess we just became different people and broke up, but he has had a hard time leaving me alone since I started dating John. He is constintly trying to fight John, and is very jelous. You can imagine my suprise when he invited John and I to a party he is throwing! It's so confusing, but we should probably go. I'd hate to be rude.

(John and I)

Winter Break

Are you enjoying your winter break? I certainly am! I spent a few days with John and visited my Aunt at the ranch. Spud has gotten so big! Just enjoying some quite time with my friends and family. This is what the holidays are all about.

Waiting for holiday leftovers, Spud?

Learning to Drive

Ahhh!! Driving is terrifying! I'm getting better, but oh my goodness! I've got a long way to go! I haven't hit anything yet which is a good sign. I hope. My piece of advice, pay attention to what you are doing!

An Afternoon with the Smith Family

This afternoon was spent with John and his family. Let me just say that he has the cutest beagle I have seen in my life, Bernie Kosar! He's this crazy energetic thing that could have done laps around their property all day! John and I just hung out and talked for most of the day. I'm really looking forward to our next date.

Walking with John

So last night was a Friday and the only one that I haven't had to babysit in weeks! So what did I do, I treated myself to a trip to the camera store. After spending close to an hour in the shop, I looked out the window and noticed that John Smith was on the other side, staring at me. Trying to figure out what was going on, we started talking and eventually, he was eating dinner with my family. Of course my dad brought up the festival and John and I have made plans to go! It should be fun.

Our lovely festive meal.

Who are you?

Remember how I said that something has to change eventually? Well meet John Smith. John's a new student and he seems to be different compared to the other guys at school. John, who are you?

School Had Started

School has started and I'm already counting down the days until next summer. I'm missing the ranch dearly and it's only been a couple of weeks. Am I looking forward to another year of drama? No, but something has to change eventually.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Goodbye Summer, You Will Be Missed

Sadly, this phenomenal summer has come to an end. I've just finished packing and I know that Spud (the lab puppy at the ranch) will miss me just as much as I will miss him.  Maybe I can convince Auntie to let him visit. One thing is for sure, when I get back to Paradise, I won't be the Sarah that they last knew. Enjoy your final days of holidays, folks.

Everyone Needs a Little Retail Theroapy

Auntie treated me to a trip into town this morning where I discovered the most adorable little vintage shop! Needless to say, I "invested" and bought the cutest sundress. We are planning a bonfire/BBQ tonight for our friends in the area and I know exactly what I'm going to wear! Let me know what your favourite "investment" has been recently, and remember to treat yourself once and awhile. You deserve it!

Have you missed me?

I know! It's been ages since my last post!! I've just spent the last two weeks focusing on some much needed me time. I must say, I've fallen in love... with photography!! How on Earth had I not discovered the craft before! I've been up every morning the last couple of weeks just hiking and taking photos. In addition to all of this I have finally removed any trace of Hannah Montana from my walls.

A lot better, right? Hope you're all enjoying this summer as much as I am.

Mr Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun...

It's my first full day at the ranch and it's poring! I've never seen so much rain in my life! Sitting in the family room with a lab at my side wasnt what I had planned for my first day. Maybe it's time to redecorate that room of mine. Any ideas??

Welcome to the Ranch!

I'm finally here!!! The views are so breath taking. Everything is just as I left it last summer, including my Hannah Montana posters! I think it's time to take those down.... It's almost sundown and Auntie's planning the biggest dinner I've seen in my life! Being here is as if everything that's happened this year is finally over and can't bug me ever again. I snapped a few photos of the overly excited lab who welcomed me here this afternoon! Isn't he adorable! G'night everyone. I hope you are all loving summer as much as I am already.

After one of the LONGEST school years ever recorded I'm looking forward to spending my summer with my aunt, far far away from Paradise. Finally a break from the rumors and gossip that lie within this small town. The sooner I arrive at the ranch, the better! I'm really looking forward to the peaceful surroundings. This summer looks like it's going to be one of the greatest reality checks one could ask for. Just one question, where did I put my hiking boots?

P.S. Do you think that I could ever have this organized of a suitcase??